Due to the shutdown of the Winkler Recreation Complex for the next four weeks due to a mechanical failure in the ice plant, the Winkler Flyers have been forced to relocate their five home games scheduled for the month of November.
The Access Event Centre in Morden will be home to the Winkler Flyers over the next month while repairs are made at the Arena in Winkler. Here is a list of the five home games that are affected with their new start times.
Friday, November 9th vs Waywayseecappo – 7:30pm
Friday, November 16th vs Dauphin – 8:00pm
Saturday, November 17th vs Dauphin – 2:30pm
Tuesday, November 20th vs Neepawa – 8:00pm
Tuesday, November 27th vs Portage – 8:00pm
Flyers VIP Passes and Game Tickets are valid for all games played at the Access Event Centre in Morden and all five games will be broadcast live on www.hockeytv.com.
The Winkler Flyers organization would like to thank the staff at the Access Event Centre in Morden for their efforts to accommodate the club at this time.
CLICK HERE For the story on the four week shutdown of the Winkler Arena.