The Winkler Flyers Spring Camp 2018 will take place April 13-15, 2018 at the Winkler Recreation Complex. The camp is designed to showcase young prospects as well as players eligible for the 2018 MJHL Bantam Draft which will take place in June.
Friday, April 13th – 2018
Registration 1 10:00 AM (BLACK & GREEN) Arena Lobby
Practice 1 11:00 AM Team BLACK
Practice 2 12:00 PM Team GREEN
Registration 2 12:00 PM (WHITE & BLUE)
Practice 3 1:00 PM Team WHITE
Practice 4 2:00 PM Team BLUE
Registration 3 2:00 PM (ORANGE & GREY)
Practice 5 3:00 PM Team ORANGE
Practice 6 4:00 PM TEAM GREY
Game 1: 5:00 PM BLACK VS GREEN
Game 2: 6:30 PM WHITE VS BLUE
Game 3: 8:00 PM GREY VS ORANGE
Saturday, April 14th – 2018
Game 4: 9:00 AM GREEN VS GOLD
Game 5: 10:30 AM ORANGE VS WHITE
Game 6: 12:00 PM GOLD VS BLACK
Game 7: 1:30 PM BLUE VS GREY
Game 8: 5:00 PM 6th VS 7th
Game 9: 6:30 PM 2nd VS 3rd
Game 10: 8:00 PM 1st VS 4th
Sunday, April 15th – 2018
Game 11: 9:00 AM 5th VS LOSER GAME 8
Game 12: 10:30 AM BRONZE FINAL (L Game 9 vs L Game 10)
Game 13: 12:00 PM 5th VS WINNER GAME 8
Game 14: 1:30 PM CHAMPIONSHIP (W Game 9 vs W Game 10)
* All player meetings will take place in the Winkler Flyers office located in the North West corner of the Arena.
* All players must be at the arena at least 45 minutes prior to your scheduled practice or game.
* Games will consist of two, 30 minute periods with a flood in between.
-all times are subject to change-
Hotel Accommodations available at Quality Inn in Winkler (click here) or Morden Motor Inn (click here)